Mint (Mentha Requienii)

Subspecies: Peppermint, Spearmint, Water Mint, Chocolate Mint, Orange Mint, Pineapple Mint, Horse Mint. Apple Mint and 593 species.

Flavor: (depending on species) Sweet, hint of spice, cooling, bright and fresh.

Location: Native to the Eastern Meditteranean, Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia, North American.

Over 600 varieties of the Mentha species to name a few…

Spearmint: Often used for toothpaste, gums, mouthwashes. Often found in river beds due to wet soil. Do not do as well in dry climates. Full to partial sun. Good for cooking and drinks/cocktails. Used well in savory cuisine.

Peppermint:Hybrid of Water mint & Spearmint. Flavor can often be strong therefor it is used less in a culinary setting. Better for oils and extracts and also can be refined to menthol. Also considered a sweet mint.

Curly Mint: Often used in a commerical setting. Easy to find and used for garnish often. Good for cooking and drinks/cocktails.

Apple Mint: Hint of apple essense.

Chocolate Mint: Hint of chocolate. Great for desserts.

Orange Mint: Hint of citrus essense.

Horse Mint: used in pharmaceutical. Bitter.

Water Mint: Naturally occurs in Europe, found in waterbeds, rivers, and streams. Thick dark green leaves with purple veins.

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  • Lemon + peppermint

  • Honey + Mint

  • Berries

  • Apple + mint

  • Buttermilk

  • Champagne

  • Ricotta + mint

  • Coconut

  • Cream + peppermint

  • Ginger

  • Lavender

  • Peach

  • Watermelon

  • Chocolate + Mint

  • Cucumber

  • Yogurt


Grow It: As mint often grows along creek beds, this perennial loves moist well-drained soil. Be careful planting in beds as it can take over and become invasive. This plant sends runners out to help expand, it will flower from June to September. Remove flowers to keep these more compact and to prevent a bitter taste. To harvest pinch leaves and use them immediately or dry to store.

*Great plant to have around for recipes, bug repellent and to add to any herbal tea.